Barracuda Mango (Nam Dok Mai)

Indulge in the sweet, tropical flavor of our fresh, seasonal Barracuda mangoes. Straight from Thailand, these mangoes are a juicy and delicious treat.

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Barracuda Mango – Nam Dok Mai : The Sweet and Juicy Star of Thailand

Discover the Barracuda mango, a beloved Thai variety known for its sweet flavor, juicy flesh, and tender texture. Learn about its benefits and how to enjoy it.

Nutrition and Benefits

Barracuda Mango: A Tropical Treat with Nutritional Power

  • Vitamin Powerhouse: Excellent source of vitamins A and C, supporting vision and immune function.
  • Fiber-Rich: Promotes digestive health and helps you feel full.
  • Source of Antioxidants: Helps protect cells from damage from free radicals.
  • Naturally Sweet Treat: Provides a healthy, satisfying way to enjoy sweetness.

Flavor and Texture

Sweet, Juicy, and Unforgettable: The Barracuda Mango Experience

  • Intense Sweetness: One of the sweetest mango varieties with a rich, honey-like flavor.
  • Juicy and Tender: Soft, melting flesh that bursts with juice.
  • Fiber-Free Texture: No fibrous strands for a smooth eating experience.
  • Tropical Aroma: A sweet, fragrant aroma that enhances the flavor experience.


Enjoy Your Barracuda Mango: Simple and Delicious

  • Perfect When Ripe: Look for slightly soft mangoes that yield to gentle pressure.
  • Easy to Eat: Peel or slice and enjoy fresh.
  • Delicious in Smoothies: Adds incredible sweetness and creaminess to smoothies.
  • Creative in Salads: Pairs well with savory ingredients in salads for a sweet-tart contrast.